Couple having sex inside police college church arrested

 A pair engaged in sexual

lactivity within a church

 located in a police

 college were

 apprehended by


The Borno State police apprehended two couples engaging in sexual activity within the premises of the All Saints Protestant Church, located in the Police College of Maiduguri, the capital city of the northeast state. 

The individuals, Kaka Ali Umar from Damboa Road and Khadija Adam from Ngomari area in Maiduguri, were caught in the act on Monday, February 12, 2024, around 11:40 am.

 Reverend Danjuma Adamu reported the incident to the police, stating that they were caught in the act inside his church. Khadija admitted that Kaka Ali paid her N1,000 for a brief encounter. 

The authorities have detained the two suspects pending further investigation.


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